Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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A brief exposition of objective methods used for measuring Inflec­tional vocal responses to emotional stimuli in speech and song.
505.--------- "New Approaches to the Science of Voice." Scientific Monthly,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1939, Vol. 49, p. 340.
A brief summary of the eighteen different fields of vocal research now open and available to the vocal scientist An excellent orientation in vocal science.
506.--------- (Editor) Objective Analysis of Musical Performance. (University of
Iowa Studies in the Psychology of Music.) University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa, 1936, Vol. IV.
Experimental findings on three aspects of the singing tone are convincingly presented, i.e., pitch, intensity and duration. The fourth, timbre, to be treated in a later volume. Shows up the fallacy of many modem theories on voice production by implication,, not direct refuta­tion.
^07. --------- "Objective Factors in Tone Quality." American Journal of Psychol
ogy, Ithaca, New York, 1492, Vol. 55, p. 123.
A brief report of the author's objective acoustical analysis of vocal tone quality in which all verifiable experimental factors of beautiful tone production are measured and compared. Interesting definitions are given.
^08, ---------Pioneering in Psychology. (University of Iowa Studies No. 598-)
University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, 1942.
A resume of research findings and procedures in music and other fields, with philosophical comments.
zp$m ---------Psychology of Music. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1938.
The purpose is to help bridge the gap between mere love of music and an intelligent conception of its technical constituents. The style is interesting and somewhat philosophical. Hie voice chapter is inforaia-tive.
gio. --------- "Psychology of Music." Music Educators Journal, Chicago, March*
1936, Vol. 22, p. 24.
A sample of scientific findings relating to pitch intonation in sing­ing is presented.
gn. --------- Psychology of the Vibrato in Voice and Instrument* (University of
Iowa Studies in the Psychology of Music) University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, 1936, Vol. III.
A scholarly and convincing treatise replete with scientific data. Exhaustive treatment.
512. --------- (Editor) The Vibrato. (University of Iowa Studies in the Psycbology
of Music.) University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, 1932, Vol. I.
A digest of up-to-date experimental studies made in Iowa State University on the subject of the vibrato in music and especially on the vocal vibrato in singing, Technical and exhaustive treatment.
^13. --------- and Tiffin, Joseph. "An Objective Method of Evaluating Musical
Performance.,, Science n. s.» Lancaster, Pennsylvania, November 7, 1930, Vol. 72, p. 480. By means of fractionally analyzed streboscopic records, the singing of